Information and imaga taken from the Singapore Kindness Movement Website.
"Charity begins at home". This means that we must not take our family, friends or close neighbours for granted.
As a start, we can be kind and considerate to them. It is at home, in school or the neighbourhood that we first experience and share our happiest and saddest moments, with members of the family, or close friends and neighbours. We need their support and encouragement in whatever we do.
We can bring much joy and comfort by the little things we do, for the people at home, friends at school and in the neighbourhood. Try to see your actions through the eyes of your family, friends and neighbours. What do you like or dislike in the things that you see? If you can put yourself in their shoes, you will discover what it takes to make life more pleasant for everyone. So brighten their day with these and other small acts of kindness.
With the Family
Show respect and tolerance for your elders. Greet your elders. Spend some time each day with your parents/grandparents/elders.
Show respect and tolerance for your elders. Greet your elders. Spend some time each day with your parents/grandparents/elders.
Show concern for family members. Help to look after your younger siblings when your elders are busy or out.
Show appreciation for your parents/grandparents/elders. Let them know that you enjoyed the meal that they have provided.
Show consideration for others when using family property. Do not monopolise the telephone, television set, radio, etc.
Be considerate to your family members. Keep quiet when your siblings are doing their homework or when your elders are resting.
At Home
Help to set the table before the meal. After your meal, take your own plates/forks/spoons to the sink.
Put your soiled clothes in the laundry basket. Do not leave them lying about the room/house.
Keep your cupboard neat so others will not have to spend time tidying it. Keep your room tidy.
Keep your books and personal belongings in their proper places.
Keep your books and personal belongings in their proper places.
Help to keep your home clean. Clear away your food crumbs and drink spills.
In School
Be co-operative in class.
Greet your teachers.
Be considerate to your classmates. Do not disturb them unnecessarily.
Be friendly and helpful to fellow schoolmates .
Be friendly and helpful to fellow schoolmates .
Invite a new student to join you for lunch.
When asked to queue or line up, do so quickly with minimum fuss and noise.
In the canteen, do queue up when you are buying food.
Keep the dining tables clean. If any of your food spills over, clean it up so that others using the tables later won't accidentally dirty their clothes.
Return the plates and utensils to the relevant stall/designated place.
Do not leave used tissues lying around, as this will soil the place or clog the sink.
Pick up the litter you see along the corridors.